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It is mysterious, curious and very pleasant the book that the Roman writer Mario Esquilino would write before taking refuge in Mexico and cover his tracks. Yes, Still Waters. Syllabary of the basic possibility of existence, is a stylish and well-made booklet that Esquilino would given press for the Mirror publisher. Why all these conditionals? Because, actually, about Mario Esquilino had not even heard before. Even Tommaso Pincio, that in Still Waters quite extensively dealt with, did not know him and, despite a thousand digressions (very similar to the continuous wandering the writer took under the arcades of Piazza Vittorio in Rome), there recounts snippets of life. And also the editor is somewhat mysterious, so similar to a well known Italian publisher but completely unknown. The only certainties in this delightful little book are photos and drawings that the artist Eugenio Tibaldi has added to the items in the Sillabario (in English, who knows why) prepared by Esquilino.